About Us
We STBSL started our journey with a dream of a fresh engineer in 2012 as a Building construction contractor in industrial arena under the name & style “Steel Trust”. It was a crucial time in construction business. But our starting was nice. Our energetic fresh engineers’ technical team could manage a good number of clients and with our forth, technical knowledge we were able to complete the industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial buildings with good reputations.

We STBSL started our journey with a dream of a fresh engineer in 2012 as a Building construction contractor in industrial arena under the name & style “Steel Trust”. It was a crucial time in construction business. But our starting was nice. Our energetic fresh engineers’ technical team could manage a good number of clients and with our forth, technical knowledge we were able to complete the industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial buildings with good reputations.
In the meantime a disaster was occurred in Bangladesh that changes the then existing building construction technology due to the collapse of the Rana Plaza factory building in Bangladesh on 23rd April 2013 which was the worst ever industrial incident to hit the garment industry. Industrial international garments buyer came forward to provide technical assistance to the garments building owners for ensuring building safety for workers life. They appoint Accord & Alliance a high level technical team for identifying safety garments related industrial buildings. Technical experts were started for Detailed Engineering Assessment (DEA) for finding the faults in building safety and suggested retrofitting construction for unsafe industrial buildings. From that time national & international building design monitoring authority became active and serious in safety building design and ensure human life safety & environment in working area of industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial buildings. Government imposed BNBC code for building designers in building design and suggested contractors to follow the safety guideline in using quality materials as design suggested, following proper construction process, appoint qualified engineers, skilled technicians and labors for monitoring construction process, Government make a set rule mandatory for taking approval of building design from concern authority before starting industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial buildings.
We learned all technical instructions and made our team skill and efficient in building design and construction and completed our first phase in business within 2018. In the meantime we completed a huge number of industrial, agricultural, residential and commercial safety buildings in RCC and Steel frame. We constructed steel suspended bridges, steel framed food silos etc.
In 2018 we reorganized our management and change the name from “Steel Trust” to “Steel Trust Building System Ltd.
After 11 years of experiences in building design and construction works in Industrial, agricultural, commercial and residential projects to our clients with our skilled professional team and accompanied with highly skilled 40 years experienced joint venture team of “Spancer Multi Engineering Consultant Service (SMECS) will help our clients focusing their needs and demands to create a feasible solution in safety building design with green building solution, using renewable energy and making environment friendly building, using quality materials as design required, engaging skilled architects, engineers, financial analyst, technicians.
Our Mission
- To design, fabricate and deliver safe and technologically advanced building.
- To build cost effective steel building benefiting from “economies of large scale”.
- To offer customers versatility in design and fabrication that meets their exact
requirements. - To maintain the highest level of quality and commitment to full fill the customers’
needs. - To offer customer services second to none in the industry
We Offer
- We offer for complete feasibility study of industrial, agricultural and commercial projects.
- We offer for preparing a complete business plan for securing investment and obtaining suitable fund for business.
- We offer a range of services to the clients in legal safety building design, green building design, HVAC design, construction supervision, construction contractor, supply materials etc.
- We offer Renewable energy power design, supplying, installation of solar power plant.
- We offer environmental solution in turnkey basis on ETP, STP,WTP from design level to installation.
- We offer for technical training on skilled development in industrial, agricultural and commercial sectors.